Aurora Financial Services employs a proven and proprietary approach to trading capital markets which combines fundamental and technical analysis with stringent risk management criteria to develop sound trading themes. Once developed, our trading strategy employs trend analysis, which enables us to identify trending markets in the earliest stages to take full advantage of their potential moves, on either the long or short sides. The investment strategy initially utilizes fundamental analysis to select optimal conditions, and then uses technical analysis and chart patterns to identify strong trading opportunities.
Typically, trades are placed via an electronic trading platform and are entered with supporting stop orders expressing pre-determine risk levels. Prior to placing trades, position size and risk/reward ratios are carefully calculated to minimize unnecessary losses and maximize profits. The core of this model relies on a strong global macro view. Market fluctuations are driven by a host of other factors which must be assessed and acted upon, including but not limited to:
- Market Direction (Bull, Bear, Sideways)
- Fundamental Data
- Technical Indicators
- Economic Cycles
- Inflation Cycles
- Political Outlook
These factors are carefully analyzed to extract profitable trading ideas from a vast spectrum of global capital markets.
Our investment approach is based on the simple notion that: fundamental analysis is used to develop profitable trading themes while technical analysis is used to determine when to enter and exit each position. Also, we use option contracts to hedge our positions. Think of it as buying insurance on your positions.
For more information, call:
Aurora Financial Services
Serving McClean, VA, Fairfax County and the Washington, DC area
(877) 734-7704